Created by MABTOOLS R&D department, r.Evolution discs use an exclusive new abrasive. Its spherical shape and its multiple hyper sharp and hyper brittle facets give r.Evolution discs an extraordinary regenerating ability. They are bonded with high technology binders and ceramics.
Moreover, these discs feature an optimized internal cooling system with a new and specific additive structure previously unseen. These additives allow the discs to have a controlled temperature throughout the cut, resulting in constant working conditions, thus improving cutting time and life time as well as the comfort. The user is released from the burden to adapt its cutting to wear of the disc. He can thus focus on the accuracy of its work, the intelligent cooling system taking care of maintaining stable the disc performance for a long time. The cold cut preserves the mechanical properties of the metal piece worked. When the disc is worn out, the user can take off the disc with with his bare hands, with no risk of getting burned.
Being comfort an important aspect, the new automated machines press discs by the unit and allow MABTOOLS to obtain balancing ranges well below the Fepa standards Fepa (2 g maximum). With a balancing range between 0 and 0.5 g, these discs ensure a rotation with the maximum comfort and a minimum vibration.
Speaking about lifetime, MABTOOLS is proud to announce peak ratios of less than 1 g per disc lost for more than 18 g of material removed during cutting (1 g lost for 3 g of material removed in toughest conditions). Less than 3 g of r.Evolution abrasive are thus sufficient to cut a 1 m wide and 3 mm thick 304L stainless steel sheet.